Are we asking the right questions about change?

change change management change mindset mindset resilience uncertainty May 16, 2019

Today, Prime Minister Scott Morrison and Opposition Leader Bill Shorten delivered their final election pitches to Australians and “change” is the uniting theme.  While Scott Morrison aims to convince us that now is not the time for change, Bill Shorten’s message is the exact opposite claiming, “It’s time”. 
We all have our own opinions and, while it is not the intention of this blog is to take a side, all this talk about change has got me thinking about, well, how we think about change.
What both men have failed to recognise is that change is the only guarantee of the future, and the most important question shouldn’t be if we should or shouldn’t change, but rather how will we change to ensure growth?  Are we (humans) set up to thrive with the stress of change and uncertainty?
Traditional change management approaches assume change happens in stages. ‘Management’ pull the strings and everyone moves through the defined stages in an orderly fashion.  However there is a crucial flaw in this outdated approach.
Change is more constant and rapid than ever before.  
In the last 10 years, we have experience more change than the 20 years prior.  In the next 5 years, we can expect that to more than double again. By the time an organisation has implemented a change management strategy, they’re already falling behind.
We don’t need another change management strategy.  We need a Change Mindset strategy, where we (the people) are adaptable, resourceful and creative problem solvers.  It’s when we thrive with change and uncertainty, and not just survive it.  It’s less about what we do, and more about HOW we apply ourselves in a meaningful way.  This is the only way to future-proof our organisations, our people and ourselves against the onslaught of constant change.
My gift to you today is a whitepaper that dives into this topic more deeply and provides solutions and frameworks for thinking about a change mindset strategy.


A final musing about all this change.  
If we can accept that change is constant - what are the unchanging elements that drive success?
Basic human needs and drives, actually don’t change that much. The manifestation of these needs may change. However, our need for purpose hasn’t changed.  Our core values don’t really change.  In fact, purpose and values, when activated, are the guiding light through all the change and uncertainty.  It helps us endure impossible challenges; find meaning in setbacks.  It is the filter or guardrails for decision-making and action. 
This is the ultimate form of resilience.

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